Emotionally focused therapy (EFT) is currently one of the most effective approaches when dealing with marital distress. It is based on a well-developed and research-confirmed theory of adult love relationships - the theory of attachment by John Bowlby and his followers. This approach is enriched with the achievements of modern branches of knowledge about close relationships, about the nature of distress in a couple, about the patterns of development of emotional reactions. Our contemporaries call EFT love therapy.
International EFT programs
A distinctive feature of EFT is clarity and structuring. The therapeutic process is divided into 3 stages and 9 steps. Therapeutic techniques and techniques are selected appropriately for the purpose of therapy - to create a reliable attachment in a couple. The therapist acts as a consultant on the process of interaction between partners, as well as a director who creates a new, healing communication experience right during the sessions. At the same time, the therapy space itself is assumed to be safe, which is based on the alliance of the therapist and clients
​EFT allows you to effectively restore relationships in a couple and create safe emotional connections between romantic partners and within the family. Studies have shown that 70-75% of couples as a result of therapy have shifted from distress to a relationship of reliable attachment, and almost 90% have shown the preservation of the results achieved after a while.
Balkan Institute of Family Therapy and the International Center for Improvement in the Field of Emotionally Focused Therapy
ICEFT (Canada)
All teachers of this program are certified foreign specialists due to the fact that there are no psychologists in Montenegro who have the necessary qualifications and the legal right to teach this method.
The EFT program consists of:
The steps described above are a prerequisite for certification in the EFT and meet the requirements of the International Center for Improvement in the Field of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy ICEFT.
At the end of the course, an international certificate is issued ICEEFT (The International Centre of Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy).
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